Προμηθευτής: Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV

Μία αρχειοθετημένη προμήθεια

Ιστορικά, οι ανταγωνιζόμενοι πλειοδότες ήταν Adacom Advanced Internet Applications S.A., Cybernetica AS, Nimbus Technologieberatung GmbH και Wavestone.

Πρόσφατες προμήθειες στις οποίες αναφέρεται ο προμηθευτής Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV

2022-11-07   Supporting Activities in the Area of Electronic Identification, Trust Services and Digital Wallets (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), ENISA.ED.PDI – Policy Development and Implementation Unit)
The purpose of this call for tenders is to provide support for the ENISA work in the area of electronic identification, digital wallets and trust services, throughout the years 2023-2025. ENISA will continue its work on supporting public and private bodies in implementing the eIDAS Regulation by addressing technological aspects and building blocks for trust services, electronic identities and digital wallets. The actual projects to be covered will depend on the actual text of the eIDAS revision and the … Δείτε την προμήθεια »
Αναφερόμενοι προμηθευτές: Adacom Advanced Internet Applications S.A. Cybernetica AS Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV Nimbus Technologieberatung GmbH Wavestone