Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Pre-Commissioning activities for offshore pipeline

IGI-Poseidon S.A.

Detail engineering, procurement, fabrication and construction, transportation and installation, pre-commissioning (EPCI) of offshore pipeline section between Greece and Italy, including shore approaches and short onshore pipeline sections at each landfall that terminate at the fence line of the onshore facilities (by others).
The governing code for the engineering, procurement and installation activities is DNVGL-ST-F101 (2017) for the subsea section and EN 1594 (2013) for the short onshore pipeline sections.
Line Pipe supply will be “free-issued” to the offshore pipeline EPCI contractor. Offshore pipeline EPCI contractor will be responsible for all storage, logistics and transportation of “free-issued” material to the various worksites and pipelay vessels engaged by the contractor.

Η προθεσμία παραλαβής των προσφορών ήταν 2018-08-03. Η προμήθεια δημοσιεύθηκε στις 2018-07-02.




Ιστορικό προμηθειών
Ημερομηνία Έγγραφο
2018-07-02 Προκήρυξη σύμβασης
2018-07-27 Συμπληρωματικά στοιχεία