Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των κριτηρίων επιλογής
Candidates, or in case of JV/Consortium each member of the JV/Consortium, will provide a complete and meaningful company’s profile. Candidates who are invited to participate in the competitive dialogue and subsequent invitation to tender shall regularly perform, as part of their core business, works of the same nature as those requested by the contracting entity and shall be widely recognized as providers of such works.
Candidates shall demonstrate that they have adequate management, design, procurement and quality control system and resources in place to undertake the project activities. Furthermore, candidates will have to demonstrate that they operate pipeline installation vessels and associated operational support systems suitable for pipelaying in dynamic positioning mode in deep water and also in shallower water depths (for shallower water depths also anchored vessels are allowed). Candidates should be able to demonstrate their track record of executing challenging projects at the limits of the current state of the art and highest levels of quality control, safety performance and client satisfaction levels.
Candidates must provide the following information:
— list of references for works of similar scope for deep-water pipelay projects (including project name, year of execution, candidate’s role on the project, approximate contract value, pipeline length, pipeline diameter, maximum water depth, installation vessel(s) used),
— list of references for works of similar scope for shallow water pipeline installation projects executed (including project name, year of execution, candidate’s role on the project, approximate contract value, pipeline length, pipeline diameter, maximum water depth, installation vessel(s) used),
— list of references for works of similar scope shore approach and onshore pipeline installation projects executed. References for shore approach construction activities shall contain trenchless construction works and traditional open cut construction works,
— list of characteristics of main pipelay vessels in the fleet of pipelay vessels operated by tenderer, suitable for the deep water and shallow water works; description of any modifications/upgrades that may be required and associated modification schedule for the vessels in order to execute the project,
— list of characteristics of main equipment to be deployed for associated project activities, such as offshore trenching in shallow waters, and pre and post-lay seabed intervention, shore crossing construction and pre-commissioning,
— list of characteristics of equipment to be deployed for deep-water pipeline recovery and repair systems during construction phase (dry and wet buckle contingencies) and warranty phases,
— description of in-house design, procurement, and management resources/capacity and which activities are planned to be sub-contracted. Details of current and past relationship with specified sub-contractors and associated project scopes completed,
— description of the installation activities, if any, that may have to be subcontracted and provision of the list of candidate sub-contractors,
— certification documentation for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for the specific category of operation and description of associated quality organization.
Any candidate that has not undertaken works of comparable scale, nature, technical scope and complexity shall not be invited to participate in the competitive dialogue and subsequent invitation to tender. The two candidates evaluated as having the highest capabilities shall be invited to participate in the competitive dialogue and subsequent invitation to tender.