Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called AIA) in compliance with Article 13 of the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law 2338/1995 (Government Gazette A'202/14.09.95) and amended and ratified by virtue of Law 4594/2019 (Government Gazette Α΄29/19.2.2019), and the stipulations of the applicable legislation, intends to grant to natural persons and/ or companies or consortia or groups of companies (hereinafter called the ‘Suppliers’), the Airport Rights in relation to the provision of Into-Plane Fuel Handling Services to Airport users at Athens International Airport ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’. The suppliers will undertake the financing, the procurement of the necessary equipment and the operation related to the provision of those services.
AIA intends to award two (2) Airport Rights for the aforementioned category of ground handling services.
Η προθεσμία παραλαβής των προσφορών ήταν 2021-08-30.
Η προμήθεια δημοσιεύθηκε στις 2021-07-02.
Αντικείμενο Πεδίο εφαρμογής της προμήθειας
Τίτλος: Provision of Third Party Into-Plane Fuel Handling Services to Airport Users
Προϊόντα/υπηρεσίες: Υπηρεσίες ανεφοδιασμού αεροσκαφών με καύσιμα📦
Σύντομη περιγραφή:
“Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called AIA) in compliance with Article 13 of the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law...”
Σύντομη περιγραφή
Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called AIA) in compliance with Article 13 of the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law 2338/1995 (Government Gazette A'202/14.09.95) and amended and ratified by virtue of Law 4594/2019 (Government Gazette Α΄29/19.2.2019), and the stipulations of the applicable legislation, intends to grant to natural persons and/ or companies or consortia or groups of companies (hereinafter called the ‘Suppliers’), the Airport Rights in relation to the provision of Into-Plane Fuel Handling Services to Airport users at Athens International Airport ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’. The suppliers will undertake the financing, the procurement of the necessary equipment and the operation related to the provision of those services.
AIA intends to award two (2) Airport Rights for the aforementioned category of ground handling services.
Τόπος εκτέλεσης: Ανατολική Αττική🏙️
Κύρια τοποθεσία ή τόπος εκτέλεσης: Athens International Airport.
Περιγραφή της προμήθειας:
“For the purpose of this tender Into-Plane Fuel Handling means: the organization and execution of fuelling and defuelling operations including the control of...”
Περιγραφή της προμήθειας
For the purpose of this tender Into-Plane Fuel Handling means: the organization and execution of fuelling and defuelling operations including the control of the quality and quantity fuel deliveries.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Κριτήρια απονομής
Η τιμή δεν είναι το μοναδικό κριτήριο ανάθεσης και όλα τα κριτήρια αναφέρονται μόνο στα έγγραφα της σύμβασης
Ημερομηνία έναρξης: 2022-05-20 📅
Ημερομηνία λήξης: 2029-05-19 📅
Νομικές, οικονομικές, χρηματοπιστωτικές και τεχνικές πληροφορίες Όροι συμμετοχής
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των συνθηκών:
“Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: Details of company profile, company structure, including link with parent...”
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των συνθηκών
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: Details of company profile, company structure, including link with parent company and/ or other consortium or group of company members, if applicable.
Names, professional qualifications (CVs) and experience of principal officers and key personnel that is likely to be responsible for the project.
Services that applicant is interested in providing at Athens International Airport.
Documentation evidencing the appointment of a nominated tender representative. The representative must have delegated powers to reply, on behalf of the applicant, to any questions AIA might have and to sign the contract. In case of consortium or group of companies, they should nominate one representative only.
In addition to the above the following are also required:
Certificate(s) (original or duly certified) of enrolment on the professional or trade register under the conditions laid down by the laws of the State in which the applicant(s) is (are) established.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Οικονομική και χρηματοοικονομική κατάσταση
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των κριτηρίων επιλογής:
“Audited accounts for each of the previous two (2) financial years (if applicable), including the applicant's overall turnover, or separate accounts as per...”
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των κριτηρίων επιλογής
Audited accounts for each of the previous two (2) financial years (if applicable), including the applicant's overall turnover, or separate accounts as per applicable legislation in respect of the services to which this contract relates.
Income tax declaration of the previous two (2) financial years in case the applicant is a natural person. Bank references.
Evidence of insurance coverage against any loss or damage arising as a result of the supplier's actions.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Τεχνική και επαγγελματική ικανότητα
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των κριτηρίων επιλογής:
“Proof of expertise regarding the provision of relevant ground-handling services at other airports in a hydrant environment with annual traffic of at least 3...”
Κατάλογος και σύντομη περιγραφή των κριτηρίων επιλογής
Proof of expertise regarding the provision of relevant ground-handling services at other airports in a hydrant environment with annual traffic of at least 3 million passengers each, during the previous three (3) consecutive calendar years. For each airport or project of relevance the following information must be provided:
List of services provided, the duties and the responsibilities held and the resources (human, as well as equipment) mobilised;
List of airport company references including names and contact details;
List of airport users served and services provided to each of them at the airport of reference including relevant representatives' names and contact details;
Number and nature of competitors;
Market share achieved, throughout volumes and refueling operations annually handled at each airport of reference;
Description of each Airport of reference fuel facilities, the traffic patterns and the type of Aircraft served;
Range of applicant's current activities.
Evidence of quality management system in effect, including any certificates of registration issued by an accredited certification body.
Applicants will be assessed on the basis of equal opportunities in respect to their professional credentials and reliability, their financial status and ability to cope with the scope and size of the respective project and their operational expertise/ know-how in the provision of services.
The threshold for pre-selection qualification for the combination of economic and financial ability and technical capacity is set at 50 %.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Όροι συμμετοχής
Απαιτούμενες καταθέσεις και εγγυήσεις:
“The short-listed applicants will be asked to submit, with their proposals, a Participation Bond, to be returned following award of the contract, in...”
Απαιτούμενες καταθέσεις και εγγυήσεις
The short-listed applicants will be asked to submit, with their proposals, a Participation Bond, to be returned following award of the contract, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender documents. The awarded suppliers will then submit a Performance Bond upon signing of the contract. Details and prerequisites will be provided for in the tender documents.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
Κύριοι όροι χρηματοδότησης και ρυθμίσεις πληρωμών και/ή παραπομπή στις σχετικές διατάξεις που τις διέπουν: To be detailed in the tender documents.
Νομική μορφή που πρέπει να λάβει ο όμιλος οικονομικών φορέων στον οποίο πρόκειται να ανατεθεί η σύμβαση:
“The short-listed applicants that participate in the tender as a consortium or group of companies may be required to execute a binding consortium...”
Νομική μορφή που πρέπει να λάβει ο όμιλος οικονομικών φορέων στον οποίο πρόκειται να ανατεθεί η σύμβαση
The short-listed applicants that participate in the tender as a consortium or group of companies may be required to execute a binding consortium consolidation deed or to form a capital company, prior to contract award, with joint and several liability.
More details will be provided for in the tender documents.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Πληροφορίες για ένα συγκεκριμένο επάγγελμα
Αφιερωμένο σε συγκεκριμένο επάγγελμα
Παραπομπή στη σχετική νομοθετική, κανονιστική ή διοικητική διάταξη:
“Reference to the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision: This tender is construed in accordance with the stipulations of EU Directive 96/67...”
Παραπομπή στη σχετική νομοθετική, κανονιστική ή διοικητική διάταξη
Reference to the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision: This tender is construed in accordance with the stipulations of EU Directive 96/67 and its implementation into Greek Law by Presidential Decree 285/98(Government Gazette A'207/07.09.98), the Basic Ground-Handling Regulation (Ministerial Decision No. D3/B/16067/3831, Government Gazette B'1138/03.06.11) and AIA's Local Ground-Handling Regulation (Ministerial Decision No. D3/B/37696/6702, Government Gazette B'1836/5.10.99).
More specifically, these Airport Rights are granted in accordance with the procedures of Articles 4 and 5 of the Basic Ground-Handling Regulation and of Articles 5, 6 and 8a of the Local Ground-Handling Regulation.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Πληροφορίες σχετικά με το προσωπικό που είναι υπεύθυνο για την εκτέλεση της σύμβασης
Υποχρέωση αναγραφής των ονομάτων και των επαγγελματικών προσόντων του προσωπικού που είναι επιφορτισμένο με την εκτέλεση της σύμβασης
Διαδικασία Τύπος διαδικασίας
Περιορισμένη διαδικασία
Διοικητικές πληροφορίες
Προθεσμία παραλαβής προσφορών ή αιτήσεων συμμετοχής: 2021-08-30
15:00 📅
Εκτιμώμενη ημερομηνία αποστολής των προσκλήσεων υποβολής προσφορών ή συμμετοχής στους επιλεγμένους υποψηφίους: 2021-11-03 📅
Γλώσσες στις οποίες μπορούν να υποβληθούν οι προσφορές ή οι αιτήσεις συμμετοχής: Αγγλικά 🗣️
Η προσφορά πρέπει να ισχύει έως: 2022-11-30 📅
Συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την υποτροπή
Πρόκειται για μια επαναλαμβανόμενη προμήθεια ✅
Εκτιμώμενο χρονοδιάγραμμα για τη δημοσίευση περαιτέρω προκηρύξεων: Every 7 years.
Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες
“Airport's 2019 actual traffic reached the level of 25.6 million passengers and 225.600 ATMs (historical peak since Airport opening), whereas traffic in 2020...”
Airport's 2019 actual traffic reached the level of 25.6 million passengers and 225.600 ATMs (historical peak since Airport opening), whereas traffic in 2020 was heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and reduced to 8,1 million passengers and 112.400 ATMs. In this context, traffic in 2022 is expected to reach 10.5 million passengers and 113.800 ATMs, while the current forecast anticipates a rebound to 2019-figures not before 2024. It is important to note that under the current volatile circumstances, all projections should be treated with extreme caution, are subject to changes/updates and no liability is assumed or implied for the aforementioned numbers.
AIA's overall goal in relation to the Into-Plane Fuel Handling services at the Airport is to promote competition while safeguarding the quality of the service to be provided to the Airport users under high level of safety, security and environmental consciousness.
Storage facilities with a capacity of 24 000 cubic meters, sufficient to supply the Airport for ten peak consumption days, is constructed at the Airport's tank farm area. A state-of-the-art hydrant refuelling system distributes the fuel to the majority of the aircraft parking positions. The system consists of a dual 20 inch size main pipeline and a series of 10 inch branch pipelines distributing the fuel via 125 hydrant valve pits. The Fuel Into-Plane Handling will primarily involve a hydrant dispenser vehicle service but each company and/or groups of companies must be also equipped with refuelling and de-fuelling vehicles. For accommodation purposes there is adequate facilities including office, storage, maintenance and parking space
Documents required under section III.1 should be submitted by all applicants (in case of consortium by each individual member).
The Expression of Interest statement (cover letter signed by the representative(s) of each organisation) and all requested documents must be submitted in three (3) copies (one (1) of which must be in hard copy and clearly marked as ‘Original’ and initialed whilst the remaining two (2) shall be in soft copies on CDs or USBs) in a sealed envelope, carrying the indication ‘Pre-selection of organisations for the award of Airport Rights related to Into-Plane Fuelling services’ to be sent to: Athens International Airport S.A., Administration Building (17), Procurement Department, for the attention of Mr. S. Lountzis, GR-Spata 190 19, Greece.
As stated under IV.2.4), the official language of the tender is English. However, certificates and official documents issued by judicial or administrative authorities in Greece may be submitted in Greek language. In case applicant is not established in Greece, official documents issued by administrative or judicial authorities or before a notary, of the country of origin of the applicant, shall be officially translated and submitted in English. Following the pre-selection process, the short-listed applicants will receive the respective tender documents by AIA and will be invited to submit their proposals.
Interested applicants must be established within the European Union, as provided in Article 4.5 of the Basic Ground Handling Regulation.
Applicants may be requested to supply additional information and attend interviews.
AIA retains the right to restrict the qualified applicants to be invited to tender up to a number of six (6).
Further indicative dates: dispatch of invitations to tender by AlA is due for the early of November 2021 and the submission of proposals by tenderers for mid December 2021. The award of the Airport Rights is expected to take place by April 2022.
The minimum time frame during which the applicants must maintain the tender is until 30/11/2022. AlA reserves the right not to proceed with the contract at any stage of the tender process.
The contract will be subject to Greek Law.
The scope of this contract notice is not regulated under the Directive 2014/25/EU.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Σώμα αναθεώρησης
Όνομα: Will be detailed in the Tender Documents (if applicable)
Ταχυδρομική πόλη: Athens
Χώρα: Ελλάδα 🇬🇷
Πηγή: OJS 2021/S 129-343930 (2021-07-02)
Γνωστοποίηση ανάθεσης σύμβασης (2023-01-31) Αντικείμενο Πεδίο εφαρμογής της προμήθειας
Σύντομη περιγραφή:
“Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called AIA) in compliance with Article 13 of the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law...”
Σύντομη περιγραφή
Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called AIA) in compliance with Article 13 of the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law 2338/1995 (Government Gazette A'202/14.09.95) and amended and ratified by virtue of Law 4594/2019 (Government Gazette Α΄29/19.2.2019), and the stipulations of the applicable legislation, intends to grant to natural persons and/ or companies or consortia or groups of companies (hereinafter called the “Suppliers”), the Airport Rights in relation to the provision of Into-Plane Fuel Handling Services to Airport users at Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”. The Suppliers will undertake the financing, the procurement of the necessary equipment and the operation related to the provision of those services.
AIA intends to award two (2) Airport Rights for the aforementioned category of ground handling services.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων Περιγραφή
Κύρια τοποθεσία ή τόπος εκτέλεσης: Athens International Airport
Διαδικασία Διοικητικές πληροφορίες
Προηγούμενη δημοσίευση σχετικά με την παρούσα διαδικασία: 2021/S 129-343930
Ανάθεση σύμβασης
Αριθμός σύμβασης: 1
Τίτλος: Provision of Third Party Into-Plane Fuel Handling Services to Airport Users
Ημερομηνία σύναψης της σύμβασης: 2022-10-25 📅
Συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες
“The scope of this contract notice is not regulated under the Directive 2014/25/EU.”
Πηγή: OJS 2023/S 025-067491 (2023-01-31)