2015-06-25Statistical services for data monitoring, analysis and reporting in the field of VET, lifelong learning and skills (Cedefop)
The purpose of this contract is to support Cedefop in providing high-quality, internationally comparable statistical evidence. This statistical evidence is used by Cedefop for monitoring, analysing and reporting on policies in the field of VET, lifelong learning and skills in the EU as a whole and in individual European countries (28 EU Member States; candidate countries; EEA countries). The contract foresees the provision of the following services:
1. reviewing main developments in the relevant European …
Δείτε την προμήθεια » Αναφερόμενοι προμηθευτές:Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,...
2011-06-09VET statistical overview — statistics and indicators to monitor VET and LLL in European countries (Cedefop)
The objectives of the contract are the following:
(a) contributing to the definition of a set of key statistics and indicators to monitor VET and lifelong learning in European countries, according to the policy objectives defined in the context of the Copenhagen process and in particular in the latest 'Bruges Communiqué';
(b) developing, producing and updating new products and formats for data presentation/dissemination;
(c) contributing to the identification of limitations and gaps in the current …
Δείτε την προμήθεια » Αναφερόμενοι προμηθευτές:Sociaal-Economisch Onderzoek Rotterdam BV (SEOR)