Προμηθευτής: Language Technology Centre Limited (LTC)

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Πρόσφατες προμήθειες στις οποίες αναφέρεται ο προμηθευτής Language Technology Centre Limited (LTC)

2012-06-15   Translation services (Cedefop — European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
Cedefop (the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), founded in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, is the European Union's reference centre for vocational education and training. It provides the European Commission, Member States (also Iceland and Norway) and social partners with insights into trends concerning VET and offers advice on how European VET policy should meet the challenges Europe and its citizens face. Cedefop is planning to conclude multiple framework contracts for … Δείτε την προμήθεια »
Αναφερόμενοι προμηθευτές: Antonios Godis & SIA EE — Lexicon Bettina von Winterfeld G.I.T. — Gabinete de Interpretação e... Germaine Saint-Avit Gertrud Elisabeth Fischer Glossima & Wehrheim Interlanguage Translation Ltd (part of ILT Group) Language Technology Centre Limited (LTC) Linda Gränz LTES (Language Technology & Education Services) Max Guggenheim Stefan Pfeffer (consortium leader) Titelbild Subtitling and Translation GmbH Traducta — Tradução, Interpretação e... TTS Technik Text Service Veil + Partner GbR Übersetzungsdienst Schweizer & Sperling