Προμήθειες: Athens International Airport S. A.

Μία αρχειοθετημένη προμήθεια

Πρόσφατες προμήθειες από Athens International Airport S. A.

2015-09-15   Terrorism Insurance for Property Damage and Business Interruption (Athens International Airport S. A.)
Athens International Airport S.A. (hereinafter called ‘AIA’) in compliance with the Airport Development Agreement (ADA) as ratified by Law 2338/1995 (Government Gazette A'202/14.09.95) is initiating a tender by inviting Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified and experienced organizations, in order to award a ‘Leading Insurer’ and/ or ‘Following Insurers’ that will undertake the Terrorism Insurance for Property Damage and Business Interruption. Underwriting information and the required draft … Δείτε την προμήθεια »
Αναφερόμενοι προμηθευτές: ERGO General Insurance Company S.A.